Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Othello's flaw

Throughout the entire play, Othello is deceived by Iago. His plan is not foiled until the end of the play after Desdemona has been smothered. Emilia informs Othello that she was indeed the one who found the handkerchief and gave it to her husband. Othello goes mad with anger, wanting to kill his batman. Until the end of the play, Othello was a respectable man. He was well off, intelligent, and even admired by other people for his war strategies. Even though he believed his wife was cheating on him, he had no reason to murder her. He let his anger get the best of him; resulting in Iago's plan mostly succeeding. This is Othello's tragic flaw; not that he is so trusting, but that he lets his emotions get the best of him. Because he trusted everyone, he would have trusted his wife if he had just sat down and talked to her from the beginning. But instead, he let Iago fuel his anger; making Othello naive. Being trusting is not a bad thing, it's when that trust leads you to unthinkable solutions. Othello is just a good guy that let his batman control his every thought and actions. Emotions are what brought Othello to his doom.

Othello is definitely a trusting guy; he trusted everyone and anyone. While his trust in Iago led him to go crazy, his trust also would have allowed him to trust his wife and spoil Iago's plan. This obviously did not happen. Othello was a good man, but his emotions got the best of him; specifically anger. He was angry at Desdemona for supposedly cheating on him. Iago plagued his mind with lies and truths that let Othello piece together his own suspicions. Anger was not the only emotion that took control of Othello; it was also his passion. He was so passionate about getting revenge on his wife and Cassio that when he thought Iago had killed Cassio, he grew even more excited to kill Desdemona. Othello's passion led him to do the unthinkable; murder his wife and be proud of it. Othello is not the first person we have read about that let passion be his down fall. Oedipus also let his passion defeat him. He was so passionate about finding out the truth that he did not listen to the prophet and his wife when they said to stop his search. He wouldn't even listen when Tiresias said he was the killer. Othello kind of reminds me of Oedipus. They were both so passionate that neither of them would listen to the truth. When they found out the truth, they tried to make amends my physically wounding themselves (Othello succeeded). Oedipus and Othello have several differences as well.

Othello was a good guy that let his passion take control. He could have easily evaded the situation if he had confronted his wife or Emilia about the handkerchief from the beginning. Iago is a genius that used his skills to manipulate Othello. He is not a bad man, he was just controlled by one.


  1. I agree with you about Othello’s flaw and he did let his emotions get the best of him. He was very trusting, and he trusted Iago a little too much but he had no reason not to. It is unfortunate that Othello was unable to see Iago’s true colors before he killed his wife and himself.

  2. Oedipus was also an outsider in Thebes and both of them got really excited about things before finding out all the facts.
