Thursday, October 14, 2010


Does fate actually exist? This question is the reason that this topic is so interesting to discuss. Yes, we all have our opinion, but no one really knows. We can argue different points, but in the end they are still opinions and not factual. I like to believe that I am the one making the decisions, but I wouldn't say there is no fate. If I come to two different paths I can take in my life, which one will I choose? Do I go left or do I go right? I believe that each path leads to a different place. I am free to choose which direction to take; I don't think that the path for me has already been chosen. I do, however, believe that God knows which one I will choose. He knows that I will either choose left or right and he knows which path I will take the next time there is a fork in the road. This does not mean he has predisposed my fate. I have the choice to choose left or right. If I go right a consequence will occur whether it is good or bad and a different consequence will occur if I choose the left path. I believe that I make the decision, but God knows which path I will take. With this said, the entire idea of whether fate exists or not is difficult for me to comprehend. There are several examples of fate in literature and other forms of entertainment, but Oedipus shows it the best.

If fate exists, then Oedipus would not have been able to escape from his. The oracle said that he would kill his father and sleep with his mother; no matter what he did, he would fulfill this oracle. Laius decided to leave his son on a mountain top so he could not kill him. This obviously failed, but what would have happened if he had decided to let Oedipus live with them anyways? If fate exists then he would have killed his father and slept with his mother willingly instead of blindly. Perhaps he would have killed Laius out of pity or maybe jealousy. If fate does not exist, then things would have been completely different. Oedipus would have been able to stay with his mother and father and not fulfill that prophesy (that is unless he wanted to kill his dad and sleep with his mom, which would fulfill the prophesy anyways). Both Laius and Oedipus tried to get around fate but Oedipus ended up doing exactly what was prophesied; there was no loop hole in the oracle. If fate exists, then there is no possible way to get around it.

The idea of fate is a touchy subject. There have been many examples of fate and more are sure to come. Even so, no one can say for certain whether fate is real or not. It is more of an idea that some people think is true and others think it is false. If fate exists then it is impossible to get around it no matter what actions you may take. If it does not exist, then we are all making our own decisions and setting our own paths. Oedipus fell to his fate, but that doesn't necessarily mean it exists. If fate does exist however, I hope that my predestined path is the one that I want for myself.

1 comment:

  1. God's omniscience can be tied to questions of fate. If God knows what I'm going to do regardless of my choice, isn't that sort of the same thing as fate? There are some nuanced differences for you, I'm sure, but that idea of Someone knowing what you're going to do before you do it can be complicating if you believe in free will.
